
“Multi-age” vertical air flow, centralised ventilation in overpressure

Pigs – “Multi-age” vertical air flow, centralised ventilation in overpressure


  • Accuracy in the management of room temperatures.
  • Small temperature variations in the rooms whatever the outside weather conditions.
  • Extraction of heavy gases providing a better atmosphere and duckboards that are less damp.
  • Centralisation of the extracted air to put in place an air washing solution.
  • Turbine blowers in clean air.

Air flow

Vigilant points

  • Ensure that the attic is watertight.
  • Ensure that there is correct sizing of the aeraulic networks to prevent cumulative pressure drops.

Our flagship products


ECOWIND : une gamme complète de ventilateurs basse consommation.

Air Washer

The ideal addition to your ventilation system helping to reduce odours

Porte Ouverte au Québec

Venez découvrir ce bâtiment neuf, doté des meilleures technologies, adaptées pour le Québec. Nous sommes fiers et heureux de vous recevoir le samedi 1er octobre à la Ferme Avicole de...
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