General Conditions of Use (CGU)

The information and data available on this website are provided in good faith and for informative purposes only. However, SODALEC DISTRIBUTION – SODIS does not represent or warrant the completeness and/or accuracy of this information. You take full responsibility for the extent to which you rely on the information posted.
Under no circumstances does SODALEC DISTRIBUTION – SODIS undertake to update or correct the information published on this website. Likewise, SODALEC DISTRIBUTION – SODIS reserves the right to modify or correct the content of its website, at any time without notice.
SODALEC DISTRIBUTION – SODIS provide users with information that is available and correct, but cannot be held liable for any errors or omissions, or the possible unavailability of information or services.
SODALEC DISTRIBUTION – SODIS accepts no liability for the use of such information or data contained in this website, by you or third parties.
Websites linked directly or indirectly to are not under our control. As a result, SODALEC DISTRIBUTION – SODIS accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the material on those websites.
The links to third-party sites are provided as a convenience to you only and do not imply the endorsement of content of any such linked site.